Soubor Vel. Datum Popis
============ ===== ======== =================================================
AGENT117.ZIP 65K 04/16/00 AGENT - automated FTP Download/Upload program.
Sam Vas pripoji, stahne podle Vami zadaneho sez-
namu urcite soubory z daneho serveru a odpoji Vas
ARCN12B7.ZIP 1.0M 01/20/98 Arachne 1.20 - WWW browser for DOS.
Shareware and freeware utilities.
WWW browser, HTML viewer, HTML editor,
e-mail reader and composer, graphical
desktop, internet/intranet client.
Supports subset of HTML/4.0 (Netscape
extensions - frames, fonts, tables),
(version 1.0 + cookies), GOPHER, FTP,
Shareware AVI and MOV player QV.EXE
can be used as plug-in. Runs on
i80x86, XMS, EMS, VESA, SVGA, VGA,
BNDIALER.EXE 9.9K 09/06/99 Vytaci nove seriove cislo na BraillNet. Plati od
13. 9. 1999.
BOBRANK.ARC 28K 06/01/98 Pristup ke sluzbam internetu pomoci e-mailu
Prirucka doktora Boba - Neinteraktivni pristup k
C403CZ4.EXE 1.7M 05/06/98 Netscape Communicator Ver. 4.03 - cesky
Je nutne mit nainstalovanou anglickou verzi
CB32E407.EXE 12.1M 09/29/98 Netscape Navigator Ver. 4.07 - anglicky
CC32E403.A01 1.3M 05/19/98 Netscape Communicator Ver 4.03 2/10 - anglicky
CC32E403.A02 1.3M 05/19/98 Netscape Communicator Ver 4.03 3/10 - anglicky
CC32E403.A03 1.3M 05/19/98 Netscape Communicator Ver 4.03 4/10 - anglicky
CC32E403.A04 1.3M 05/19/98 Netscape Communicator Ver 4.03 5/10 - anglicky
CC32E403.A05 1.3M 05/19/98 Netscape Communicator Ver 4.03 6/10 - anglicky
CC32E403.A06 1.3M 05/19/98 Netscape Communicator Ver 4.03 7/10 - anglicky
CC32E403.A07 1.3M 05/19/98 Netscape Communicator Ver 4.03 8/10 - anglicky
CC32E403.A08 1.3M 05/19/98 Netscape Communicator Ver 4.03 9/10 - anglicky
CC32E403.A09 1.2M 05/19/98 Netscape Communicator Ver 4.03 10/10 - anglicky
CC32E403.ARJ 1.3M 05/19/98 Netscape Communicator Ver 4.03 1/10 - anglicky
CNT9925.ZIP 1.5M 01/11/00 Counter 99 v2.5 (WIN95/98) - Program vypocte
protelefonovane castky za telefonicka pripojeni
site. Umi uctovat pripojeni v ruznych tarifech
pro ruzna telefonicka pripojeni site. Uctuje i
tarif Internet 99, umoznuje definovat tarif
s menici se delkou impulsu Internet 2000.
Obsahuje statistiky, ktere je mozne zobrazit pro
vice vybranych obdobi. Je vybaven synchronizaci
casu za pomoci nektereho casoveho serveru.
Plne v cestine. Zdroj:
CZ32M302.EXE 10.4M 11/27/97 MS Internet Explorer 3.02 - cesky "plna instalace
D4TIME43.EXE 292K 08/31/99 Nastavi systemove hodiny podle internetovych
casovych serveru (pro Windows)
DLBM30C.EXE 3.1M 12/19/96 MS Internet Explorer 3.0 pro WIN 3.1
Tato verze se umi pohybovat po odkazech pomoci
tabelatoru coz je vyhodne pro zrakove postizene
DOMEN_CZ.ARJ 15K 02/20/96 Seznam domen 2 radu v domene CZ.
Jinak receno vsichni kdo jsou pripojeny
nejakym inteligentnim zpusobem.
DOSWAIS.ZIP 156K 06/06/99 Program pro prohledavani databazi WAIS na Inter-
netu. Potrebuje paket driver (nez ho spustite,
pripojte se.) V adresari, kde mate programy k
internetu, si vytvorte adresar treba doswais a do
nej rozbalte archiv. Soubor wattcp.cfg upravte, z
ze do nej opiste cislo nameserveru a domainlist.
Rovnez tam opiste cislo gateway.
EN32M302.EXE 10.3M 11/27/97 MS Internet Explorer 3.02 - anglicky "plna inst."
EUL301.EXE 4.0M 06/03/97 Eudora light for Win95 ver. 3.01
Program pro elektronikcou postu na internet
FTPEXPL.ARJ 706K 12/05/97 FTP Explorer for Win95
HATMATIL.ZIP 79K 03/24/98 Hatmatilka - Ucebnice vytvareni WWW stranek ve
formatu hTML
HTM2TXT.ZIP 25K 01/22/97 Konvertuje HTML do textoveho souboru
HTML.ZIP 534K 08/04/98 Ucebnice HTML v HTML formatu
HYTELN69.ZIP 705K 06/03/00 Katalog telnetovskych zdroju.
Neni nijak novy, ale rekl bych, ze ujde.
Ctete dokumentaci.
IMPULS.ARJ 12K 01/21/00 Program pro pocitani impulsu pod Dosem, zjisti
delku pripojeni, pocet impulsu a celkovou
castku za pripojeni. Umi i soucet castek mezi
urcitymi daty. Zvlada tarif telecomu i
Internet99 a Internet2000. Namety, pripominky
a dotazy na adresu
INTHLED.ARJ 54K 01/05/00 Jiri Brazda: Internet.CZ - jak hledat a najit
2. vydani
INTSLUZ.ARC 135K 02/15/96 Kniha o ruznych sluzbach site Internet
KA9Q.ZIP 512K 11/05/00 KA9Q - DOSovy FTP a TELNET klient + mnoho dalsich
funkci (program a konfigurace)
KA9QHELP.ZIP 12K 11/05/00 KA9Q - DOSovy FTP a TELNET klient + mnoho dalsich
funkci (podrobny help)
KONFEREN.ARJ 7.8K 04/27/98 Seznam postovnich sereru a jejich konferenci
Prevzato z
LSICQ.ZIP 62K 03/03/01 ICQ-klient pro DOS.
Vy, kteri uzivate balik pro pripojeni k Internetu
od Braillnetu, prikopirujte do adresare, kde mate
program soubor wattcp.cfg a v davce watset.bat v
adresari \internet\dialer doplnte radku
copy wattcp.cfg ..\lsicq > nul
LYNXDODB.ARJ 406K 02/12/99 Balicek programu rozsirujici funkce programu Lynx
Umozni posilani e-mailu, pouzivani FTP,
prehravani wav a mp3 souboru.
LYNXV283.RAR 1.1M 07/20/00 Verze 2.8.3, Www-prohlizece Lynx pro DOS.
Tato uz umi bez problemu i FTP, takze neni potre-
ba balicek Lynxbin. Upravte soubor wattcp.cfg
podle Vasich udaju (Nameserver, IP atd.)
Pripadne dotazy rad zodpovim na e-mailu .
LYNX_386.ZIP 706K 01/11/99 Lynx Ver. 2.8 - program pro DOS na prohlizeni WWW
Tato verze jiz umi solidne pracovat se seznamem
ve formularich, umi kodovou stranku CP852,
jeho options je delan jako www stranka, pri naci-
tani zobrazuje jiz nacitanou stranku.
MUNPACK.EXE 38K 02/13/95 Munpack Ver. 1.5 - Umozni rozkodovat soubory
v MIME foratu. Vhodne pro oddelovani vice pri-
pojenych souboru ke e-mailove zprave. Zpravu
celou ulozite do souboru a pak spustite munpack,
kde bude jako parametr nazev daneho souboru.
N32E304P.EXE 5.5M 11/27/97 Netscape Navigator 3.04
NASAINET.TXT 40K 10/29/98 Odkazy na servery NASA (anglicky)
NETSCAP.ARJ 1.5M 02/15/96 Netscape Navigator pro WIN 3.1x
NETTAMER.ZIP 866K 01/05/00
Net-Tamer is a DOS PPP dial up access program
which requires no TSR packet driver. Supports
FINGER, PING, TIME, and other protocols.
Includes offline reader for email and usenet.
Speech friendly for visually impaired users
with talking programs. Optional graphics
in WWW. Optional sound card support. 386 & up.
NSCAMOS1.EXE 1.1M 11/13/95 NSCA Internet Mosaic pro Windows 1/2
NSCAMOS2.EXE 612K 02/13/96 NSCA Internet Mosaic pro WIN 2/2
NT16402.ZIP 575K 01/21/97 NetTerm v4.0.2 Internet Telnet OVID Zmodem SLIP
NetTerm is a Windows based terminal emulator
with fast zmodem file transfers. It can also
be used as a dialer program for SLIP/PPP and
includes a built in scripting language.
For Internet hosts, the telnet protocol is
enabled with VT100 and full ANSI graphics. A
ftp server is included. Transparent printing
and local host editing is supported for UNIX.
nt16402.exe - 16 bit
NULLPKT.ZIP 16K 07/06/98 Simuluje packet driver. I kdyz nejste na siti ani
pripojeni k internetu, muzete spoustet programy
vyzadujici packet driver. Napr. muzete si prohli-
zet WWW stranky na vasem lokalnim disku lynxem,
prestoze nejste pripojeni k internetu.
Nullpkt je pro DoS.
PCLEX.ZIP 370K 02/01/97 Internet Lexicon 1995 Freeware - Free
Internet lexicon and networking dictionary
for Windows with nearly 1,500 acronyms and
terms described, defined and
cross-referenced. A sample of the PC/Internet
Lexicon; contains the complete Internet Terms
and Internet Acronyms modules, the Top Level
Domains List and way too many smileys.
Auto-installing .EXE file with uninstaller.
PMAIL340.ARJ 909K 01/11/99 Pegasus mail Ver. 3.40 (cesky) pro DOS
Program na praci s elektronickou postou.
POKLADNA.EXE 539K 06/20/98 Pocita provolane penize pri pripojeni na internet
pres telefonni linku. Program je pro WIN95.
POP3SCAN.RAR 2.4M 03/16/00 Pop3 Scan Ver. 1.0 for Windows
RESOURCE.RAR 22K 07/31/99 Je to seznam internetovskych zdroju v Cr stazeny
z Cesnetovskeho gopheru. Je sice asi rok stary,
ale vypada to zajimave.
RP32_50.EXE 1.3M 12/23/97 Realplayer Ver. 5.0 for WIN95 "umoznuje na
internetu prehravat realaudio, Napr. poslouchat
rozhlasove stanice v realnem case"
RS16E301.EXE 4.7M 09/18/97 AkrobatReader with search v.3.01,eng. WIN 3.x
RS32E301.EXE 4.9M 09/18/97 AkrobatReader with search v.3.01, eng. WIN 95/NT
SMTPOP12.ARJ 152K 02/19/99 Odstrani zasekavani Pegasus Mailu pri stahovani
posty. Jde o program Smtpop Verze 1.2.
TCP32.ZIP 729K 10/03/96 MS TCP/IP 32 RELEASE for Windows/Workgroup 3.11
Microsoft is pleased to offer you the released
version of Microsoft TCP/IP-32 for Windows(TM)
for Workgroups 3.11. Please read MS TCP/IP-32
License Agreement before installing this soft.
Downloaded from MSNET Compuserve forum.
Can be found on
TEL2308B.ZIP 776K 06/27/99 TELNET PRO DOS
- je nutno upravit soubor
TELNET.ZIP 211K 02/04/96 Velmi kvalitni seznam zajimavych adres na Intern.
Je to hypertext v textovem formatu.
TRMP106B.ZIP 429K 09/07/99 Trumpet -
News reader pro DOS.
WATTCP.ZIP 188 01/15/99 Novy konfiguracni soubor pro Dosovy balik dosnet
Rozbalte jej programem pkunzip a vybaleny soubor
WATTCP.SRC prekopirujte do adresare
c:\interne\dialer, kde jim prepiste puvodni
WC273R16.ZIP 998K 08/15/97 Wincode v2.7.3c: Multi-Purpose Encoder/Decoder
for Windows. Supports UU,XX,USR,BASE64(MIME),
BINHEX,BTOA(4&5) & BOO encode/decode. Includes
support for external ZIP/UNZIP and Virus Scan
programs. Winsock compatible module will
automatically E-Mail and/or Post encoded
documents. Smart Decoder; Drag & Drop; Fully
Configurable. FREEWARE. 16-bit Win 3.1x Version
-> Works great under Win95/NT also...
Latest release available at:
WPC.ZIP 264K 05/11/96 Web Page Creator
WPC is an HTML editor for windows(3.x or 95). It
including support for Netscapes <FRAMES>. It will
that can run Windows.
WPC's files don't need to be installed to any spe
Simply unzip it's files to the directory of your
program manager. If you decide you don't like WP
it then just delete the directory you installed i
manager icon. No files are installed to the WIND
Latest updates and news can be found at :
Name Last modified Size Description
Parent Directory -
00-index.htm 2014-11-09 12:31 19K 2014-11-09 12:31 684K
SkypeSetup.exe 2014-11-09 12:31 22M 2014-11-09 12:31 65K 2014-11-09 12:31 1.0M
bndialer.exe 2014-11-09 12:31 9.9K
bobrank.arc 2014-11-09 12:30 28K
c403cz4.exe 2014-11-09 12:30 1.7M
cb32e407.exe 2014-11-09 12:30 12M
cc32e403.a01 2014-11-09 12:31 1.4M
cc32e403.a02 2014-11-09 12:31 1.4M
cc32e403.a03 2014-11-09 12:31 1.4M
cc32e403.a04 2014-11-09 12:31 1.4M
cc32e403.a05 2014-11-09 12:30 1.4M
cc32e403.a06 2014-11-09 12:31 1.4M
cc32e403.a07 2014-11-09 12:31 1.4M
cc32e403.a08 2014-11-09 12:30 1.4M
cc32e403.a09 2014-11-09 12:31 1.3M
cc32e403.arj 2014-11-09 12:31 1.4M 2014-11-09 12:31 1.6M
cz32m302.exe 2014-11-09 12:31 10M
d4time43.exe 2014-11-09 12:31 293K
dlbm30c.exe 2014-11-09 12:31 3.2M
domen_cz.arj 2014-11-09 12:31 15K 2014-11-09 12:31 156K
en32m302.exe 2014-11-09 12:30 10M
ftpexpl.arj 2014-11-09 12:31 706K 2014-11-09 12:30 79K 2014-11-09 12:30 25K 2014-11-09 12:31 534K 2014-11-09 12:30 705K
impuls.arj 2014-11-09 12:31 13K
internet.txt 2014-11-09 12:31 15K
inthled.arj 2014-11-09 12:30 55K
intsluz.arc 2014-11-09 12:31 136K 2014-11-09 12:31 513K 2014-11-09 12:31 13K
konferen.arj 2014-11-09 12:30 7.8K 2014-11-09 12:31 63K 2014-11-09 12:30 707K
lynxdodb.arj 2014-11-09 12:31 406K
lynxv283.rar 2014-11-09 12:31 1.1M 2014-11-09 12:31 12K
munpack.exe 2014-11-09 12:31 38K
n32e304p.exe 2014-11-09 12:31 5.5M
nasainet.txt 2014-11-09 12:31 40K
netscap.arj 2014-11-09 12:31 1.6M
nscamos1.exe 2014-11-09 12:30 1.2M
nscamos2.exe 2014-11-09 12:31 612K 2014-11-09 12:31 575K 2014-11-09 12:31 16K 2014-11-09 12:31 371K
pmail340.arj 2014-11-09 12:31 910K
pokladna.exe 2014-11-09 12:31 540K
pop3scan.rar 2014-11-09 12:31 2.4M
resource.rar 2014-11-09 12:31 23K
rp32_50.exe 2014-11-09 12:30 1.4M
rs16e301.exe 2014-11-09 12:31 4.8M
rs32e301.exe 2014-11-09 12:31 5.0M
smtpop12.arj 2014-11-09 12:31 153K 2014-11-09 12:31 729K 2014-11-09 12:31 777K 2014-11-09 12:30 211K 2014-11-09 12:31 430K
v1400k.arj 2014-11-09 12:31 1.6M 2014-11-09 12:31 188 2014-11-09 12:30 1.0M 2014-11-09 12:30 265K
00-index.txt 2014-11-09 12:30 15K Seznam souboru knihovny
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